Shutt, George W.
b. 1832, in Virginia; d. October 2, 1893, in Loudoun County, Virginia. Shutt came to Springfield, Illinois, and received his
license to practice law sometime prior to 1857. In 1857, he formed a law
partnership with James B. White. Although he was a neighbor of Abraham Lincoln, Shutt supported Stephen A. Douglas for president
in 1860, but he supported Lincoln's efforts to hold the Union together. Within the next year, Shutt formed a legal partnership
with James H. Matheny. In 1862, he was appointed as master in chancery of the Sangamon County Circuit Court. After Lincoln's
assassination, Shutt served on the committee that made arrangements for Lincoln's funeral. Shutt left Springfield sometime
in the
early 1870s for a job in Washington, DC, with the Department of the Interior.